Search Results - Research+Tools+-+Imaging

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Kit for PET Imaging Agent to Support Regenerative Medicine Development
­Summary: Monitoring the fate of cells given to patients during regenerative medicine and cell therapies is an important milestone in their approval process. Development of a simplified, one-step kit for positron emission tomography imaging using 89Zr-oxine by researchers atKing’s makes such tracking easier. What A kit for in-hospital...
Published: 12/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rafael Torres Martin De Rosales, Philip Blower, Francis Man
Category(s): Research Tools - Imaging, Diagnostics
[18F]FDOPA PET imaging – a Biomarker for Treatment Stratification in Psychosis
­Summary: An automated method, based on [18F]FDOPA PET imaging and artificial intelligence, to predict the treatment response of psychotic patients to first-line antipsychotics. What A short imaging protocol and a machine learning algorithm designed to distinguish patients with schizophrenia who are unlikely to respond to first-line antipsychotic...
Published: 12/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Oliver Howes, Mattia Veronese
Category(s): Screening assay, Software, Diagnostics, Research Tools - Imaging
18F-Radiotracer for Oxidative Stress PET Imaging
­Summary: An 18F-radiotracer able to detect oxidative stress via positron emission tomography (PET). What A radiotracer based on 18F-labelled molecular probe that allows imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) stress. It can be used for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancers and inflammatory conditions. ...
Published: 22/01/2025   |   Inventor(s): Ran Yan
Category(s): Diagnostics, Research Tools - Imaging